Stilbite with Chalcedony


Stilbite with Chalcedony is a striking mineral combination, often found in India’s Deccan Traps, particularly in Maharashtra. Stilbite, with its soft, blade-like crystal structures in shades of pink, peach, or white, pairs beautifully with the smooth, waxy texture of chalcedony, which often appears in shades of blue, gray, or white. The contrasting textures and colors of these two minerals create captivating specimens that are highly prized by collectors.

Stilbite typically forms in radiating clusters, while chalcedony often appears as botryoidal (grape-like) formations or as a coating on other minerals, adding a glossy, ethereal quality to the piece. This combination is found in basaltic volcanic rock environments, where the minerals crystallize together in vugs or cavities.

In metaphysical practices, stilbite is believed to enhance intuition and spiritual growth, while chalcedony is thought to bring calmness and emotional balance. Together, they form a powerful duo often used for meditation and emotional healing.

For collectors, stilbite with chalcedony represents a unique and visually stunning combination, showcasing the beauty and diversity of India’s mineral deposits.

Height x Width: 4″ x 3″ Approx

SKU: 3037 Category: