Stilbite with Chalcedony


Stilbite with Chalcedony from India is another highly prized mineral combination, known for its beauty and striking contrast between the two minerals. This pairing is frequently found in the basalt deposits of Maharashtra, India, a region famous for producing world-class zeolite minerals.

Stilbite and chalcedony form in the cavities of basaltic volcanic rocks. Over time, mineral-rich fluids flow through these cavities, depositing silica (for chalcedony) and aluminosilicate minerals (for stilbite) to form these beautiful specimens

The contrast between the silky, fan-like stilbite crystals and the smooth, waxy chalcedony creates a visually appealing mineral specimen. Stilbite’s delicate structure often appears to “sit” atop the chalcedony, adding to its beauty. Stilbite’s pale hues (white, pink, peach) often create a soft contrast with the bluish-gray or white chalcedony, making these specimens highly sought after by collectors. These combinations are frequently used in collections and as decorative pieces because of their natural beauty and the harmonious pairing of textures and forms.

Height x Width: 3.5″ x 3″ Approx

SKU: 3033 Category: