Stilbite with Heulandite


Stilbite with heulandite from India is another beautiful and popular combination of zeolite minerals often found together in the basaltic rock formations of the Deccan Traps. Maharashtra, particularly in the regions around Pune and Nashik, is known for producing some of the best specimens of these minerals.

The combination of stilbite’s flowing, fan-like formations with the more blocky, coffin-shaped heulandite crystals creates a striking visual contrast. The blend of soft, pastel hues of both minerals also enhances the aesthetic value of these specimens, making them popular for display. Some of the most prized specimens come from the quarries of Maharashtra, which are known globally for their abundance of zeolite minerals, especially around Pune, Mumbai, and Nashik.

In metaphysical circles, stilbite is associated with love, calm, and inner peace, while heulandite is believed to promote clarity, spiritual growth, and connection to higher consciousness. Together, they are thought to enhance meditation and emotional healing.

Stilbite with heulandite specimens from India are highly sought after by mineral collectors for their delicate beauty and harmonious crystal structures, making them both scientifically interesting and visually captivating pieces.

Height x Width: 4.5″ x 3″ Approx

SKU: 3044 Category: