Bowtie Stilbite with Apophyllite


This Bowtie Stilbite with Apophyllite from India is a stunning mineral specimen sought after by collectors and mineral enthusiasts. Stilbite, a member of the zeolite family, is typically found in soft, peach or pinkish hues and often forms bowtie-shaped crystals. When paired with apophyllite, which typically appears as clear pyramidal crystals, the combination can be visually striking.

These minerals are frequently found in the Deccan Traps, a large volcanic province in India, which is known for producing some of the world’s best examples of zeolite minerals. Apophyllite’s glossy, reflective surfaces contrast beautifully with the delicate, fibrous texture of stilbite, making this specimens popular for both display and metaphysical uses. Apophyllite is prized for its ability to clear negative energy, while stilbite is associated with inner peace and calm.

Height x Width: 3″ x 2.5″ Approx

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SKU: 3019 Category: